No story this time, just a little update. After thinking and praying about it the last few days, I felt like I should open a Facebook page for my website. It is now up and running here:
I'll be re-sharing some of my older stories at first, but as I write newer stuff, they will be shared on the page right after I post them here. So, yeah, Simple Tales is now on Facebook! Be sure to like, follow, share the page; you know, all the normal stuff. And just a disclaimer for those that know me, I am not on Facebook personally. I got off of facebook about a year ago and do not regret doing so. My personal facebook account will remain empty and unused; so don't get offended if I don't accept your friend request. I am only on facebook to run the Simple Tales page.
I'm hoping that through this, the people I can reach will increase. The only word that has spread has been through my friends and family who have shared what I write. It has been awesome to see God use Simple Tales just through that. In the last 30 days, I have had over 60 blog post views. It may not seem like much, but considering I have done absolutely no advertising myself, I find it amazing and give God the glory!
So what am I currently working on? Well, I am still in the process of going through the armor of God mentioned in Ephesians. Once that is done, I found a passage in Psalms that caught my attention and I plan on digging deeper into that. As for short stories, I've been a bit dry right now, but I do want to get another one written at some point. I am working on a full length Christian fiction story right now. I am super excited about it! One chapter is finished and I have several more I am in the process of writing and refining. I am praying that God keeps me motivated and I actually finish it.
Finally, I could use some proofreaders. I have one cousin right now who is proofreading my longer story (and doing an excellent job at it), but I could use some people to proofread my short stories and devotionals. Little grammatical and spelling errors always seem to slip by me. I need people who can catch those errors and who are deadly honest. If I write something that is confusing, boring, or just plain awful, I need to know so I can improve. Also, once I actually finish writing the short story/devotional, I like to get it on quickly. I need proofreaders who can under normal circumstances read through it and get back to me within a few days. Seeing as how most of my writings are quite short, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you're interested, send me an email; just don't get offended if I don't choose you as a proofreader. And if you are chosen, I may not go with every edit or change you suggest. Just a disclaimer.
Thank you to everyone who reads my writings and sends encouragement! It is greatly appreciated. I praise and thank God for using me in this small way.